
What is Tiny Rockets?

Is building a website holding you back from taking your business online? Welcome to Tiny Rockets, your one-stop solution for a hassle-free journey to the digital world.

While platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress are amazing, they often require a substantial time investment. Your time would be better spent growing your business. That’s exactly why we created Tiny Rockets.

Launch Your Business into the Digital Universe with Tiny Rockets

With our service, you can adapt our customizable template to perfectly represent your business - and the best part is, you don’t have to do any heavy lifting. We take care of the setup process for you!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign Up: Simply click the ‘launch my website’ button, and you’ll be guided to a secure payment page with our trusted partners, Stripe.
  2. Fill out Content Document: After signing up, you’ll receive an easy-to-complete content document. Fill it out and send it back to us.
  3. Choose Your Domain: Based on your content document, we’ll suggest some perfect domain names for your business and guide you on how to register them.
  4. Launch and Learn: Voila! Your website is launched. But we don’t stop there! You’ll gain access to our exclusive Tiny Rockets Subscribers platform, designed to show you how to manage your website and grow your business online.

With Tiny Rockets, you won’t find any long-term contracts or hidden costs. Just a one-time setup fee of £99 and a flat rate of £20 per month for as long as you need your website.

Ready to launch your website with Tiny Rockets? Sign up today and watch your business soar in the digital space!